Thursday, June 7, 2012

Planet of Love & the Phenomenal Journey.

While thinking about the universe sans earth my curiosity grows like a child and the queries after queries eats up my mind like thousand worms but all remains unanswered. Solar System is a such mystery that after spending trillions by the developing countries, so far we hardly know anything. The theory behind the beginning of the universe until now speculated. Scientist forwarded theories after theories but some are not yet proved. Standing on the curst of my home planet, the earth, I often look over but it only increase my curiosity. I wish I could have a strong pair of wings at least I would have ventured closure to the sky to find little answer of my queries. The transit of Venus one such event that we are lucky to experienced it yesterday.

The Venus

The planet Venus is second in order from the Sun. Although it is twice the distance from the Sun as Mercury, it is the hottest planet in the solar system. A thick, cloudy atmosphere of carbon dioxide traps the Sun’s heat and bathes the planet’s surface in a drizzle of sulfuric acid caused by volcanic eruptions. The surface of Venus consists of low-lying plains and highland regions shaped by volcanoes and lava flows. It is believed that volcanoes continue to erupt on Venus. Except for three features, all of Venus’s landmarks are named after women. A map of Venus shows a crater named Cleopatra, a canyon called Diana, and a plain named Guinevere.

Venus is classified as a terrestrial planet and it is sometimes called Earth's "sister planet" owing to their similar size, gravity, and bulk composition. Venus is the second planet from the Sun, orbiting it every 224.7 Earth days. The planet is named after Venus, the Roman goddess of love and beauty. After the Moon, it is the brightest natural object in the night sky. Because Venus is an inferior planet from Earth, it never appears to venture far from the Sun. Venus reaches its maximum brightness shortly before sunrise or shortly after sunset, for which reason it has been known as the Morning Star or Evening Star. The diameter of Venus is 12,092 km, only 650 km less than the Earth's and its mass is 81.5% of the Earth's. Venus has an extremely dense atmosphere, which consists mainly of carbon dioxide and a small amount of nitrogen.

Transit of the Venus

Mercury and the Venus are two inferior planet and we already experienced transit of the Mercury and Venus before but it is phenomenal. Transit of the Venus means, when the planet passes between the Earth and the Sun but, it usually does not cross the face of the Sun. Transits of Venus occur in cycles of 243 years with the current pattern of transits being pairs of transits separated by eight years, at intervals of about 105.5 years or 121.5 years—a pattern first discovered in 1639 by English astronomer Jeremiah Horrocks.

Since the telescope's invention, the transit of Venus has only been viewable - anywhere in the world - in the years 1631, 1639, 1761, 1769, 1874, 1882, 2004 and 6th June 2012.  The next such alignment going to occur in 2117.   

!!!Venus is known as Planet of Love, so celebrate this rare transit with little love, tolerance and harmony.!!!

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